Our Team

  • Michelle Boyle


    Michelle is a Montessori guide, parent, and school leader. She co-founded the first public Montessori charter school in Memphis, TN, and taught at the KIPP network of high-performing schools in DC and Newark. She has also coached and trained at the National Center for Montessori in the Public Sector. Michelle lives with her family in San Antonio, TX, and brings passion for transformative education and systems thinking to this work.

  • Montez Crider


    Montez has decades of experience in volunteer recruitment, fundraising, project administration, and board development for nonprofit organizations and schools. He was a 2009 Teach for America Corps Member and holds an M.Ed. in Instructional Leadership. He has taught Montessori at the primary and elementary levels as well as middle school reading, social studies, and science. He brings a commitment to children’s empowerment and building positive relationships between schools and the families they serve.

  • Ryan Abel


    Ryan has been a public Montessori parent and leader for seven years, helping to found the schools his children would attend. Ryan is the founding Director of Operations at Sojourner Truth Montessori Public Charter School, DC’s first (and only) public Montessori middle and high school.

  • Jonathan Garcia Nungary


    4th generation Texan born and raised, Jonathan does people connections work for Teach For America, leading with the understanding that together we can achieve great things. Jonathan is driven by the passion of helping others.

  • Austin Hawk


    Austin moved to San Antonio to join Teach for America in 2013, teaching third and fourth grade students on the west side. While teaching, he earned an MS in Educational Studies with an elementary education focus from Johns Hopkins University and his Montessori elementary certificate. Over the past nine years, San Antonio’s community and culture have cultivated Austin’s commitment to advocate for education reform for the students, families, and schools in the city that he now calls home.

  • Board Meetings

    Our Monarca Montessori Network board meets quarterly. Please email info@monarcaschools.org for details. Board minutes here.

“We can only help man if we aid the child to be better adapted to the future of civilisation.”

— Maria Montessori, London Lectures, 1946

“We are the sowers – our children are those who reap. To labour that future generations may be better and nobler than we are – that is the task without egotism and without pride. Let us unite in this work.”

— Maria Montessori, Lecture in Amsterdam, 1917